Hapori Ora
consists of qualified and highly experienced staff who cater to all of the community and social work referrals and matters that come to Te Ora Hou.
Social/Community Work covers these areas:
Wrap Around Social Work – support to all whānau and young people involved in TOH programmes
Whānau Ora – collective approach in supporting families
NEETs – support for rangatahi Māori not in education, employment or training
Transition Support – support for rangatahi ageing out of Oranga Tamariki care and into adulthood
We come across a wide range of cases with our clients and sometimes we can’t actually help whānau and rangatahi in-house because of this. To cater to all needs, we have made connections with a wide range of organisations who we refer our clients to if we can’t cater to them here at Te Ora Hou.